Why Take a Driver Education Course
Why Driver Education
Driver Education is here to teach you life saving skills that include knowledge of traffic laws, proactive driving techniques, commentary driving, parking procedures, emergency driving techniques and driving responsibility. All of these skills are extremely important to become a safe and responsible driver. Driver's Education programs help build confidence and knowledge in new drivers so that the roads will become a safer place for all road users.
As already stated, driving is probably the most dangerous thing we will do in our life's and yet many people talke driving for granted, disobey traffic rules, drive distracted and ignore the risks. Vehicle collisions are a top cause of death and injury in Alberta and yet most collisions can be prevented. The thing is that these crashes are completely preventable if new drivers are properly educated and keep focused when driving.
Not Just to Pass the Road Test
Many people wonder if taking a Driver Education course will help make a new driver more prepared for the road test. The answer of course is yes. Teaching the skills needed to pass the road test, however, is not the only, or most important, stated objective of Driver Education and training programs. The principal goal of Driver Education and training programs is to produce safer, more aware drivers. Simply put, it should be reasoned that drivers exposed to formal instruction should have lower crash rates than those who do not receive such instruction, that is, those who learn to drive informally. In fact, a recent study by the American Automobile Association, found that teenagers who took a Driver's Education program, lowered the risk of getting in a collision by 4.3% and receiving a traffic ticket by 40%. At IDrive Alberta we focus on teaching new drivers the skills necessary to travel safely on Canadian roads.
Correct Bad Habits
Many new drivers wonder if they should bother with Driver Education, when they already have some experience driving. Many new drivers are unaware of bad habits they have learned without being taught by a professional. Things like incorrect scanning patterns, not stopping properly, unaware of right of way, how to park on a hill, or where to look when backing, to name a few. A driving instructor can help identify these bad habits and correct them before they become ingrained.
Lower Insurance Costs
It's not uncommon to come across insurance companies that offer premium discounts for new drivers who have completed a Driver Education course. To ensure you can take advantage of this discount, ask your insurance provider if they require a specific course prior to enrolling in an iDrive Alberta course. Successfully completing an iDrive Alberta Driver Education program will result in an insurance certificate to help lower your insurance costs.
A Bonus to Taking Driver Education
Did you know that by taking an approved Driver Education program, you can get fully licensed sooner? It’s true, taking an approved Driver Education program will help you get fully licensed 6 months sooner than not taking a Driver Education program. All drivers who meet the following criteria are eligible to exit the GDL program:
- They must be at least 18 years of age.
- They must have completed the 24 months of probationary driving. Drivers may be eligible to reduce their 24-month probationary period by up to 6 months by completing a Class 5 or Class 6 driver training program from a driver training school licensed by Transportation and Economic Corridors.
- They must be suspension and demerit free for the last 12 months.
Summer is a very busy time for driving schools, if you want to take a Driver Education program, please contact us for more information and availability.