Defensive Driving Training

Defensive Driving Training Program

Being careful today will save your life and it will keep you alive to see a beautiful tomorrow!

Improve your driving skills by engaging in defensive driving training in Calgary Alberta. A proative driver is required to take safe and rational decisions while on the road.

Keeping in mind the safety of all road users, we’ve included both classroom sessions and practical training sessions to make wise, rational and drivers with safe driving attitude.

Following the traffic regulations and being courteous are the two most important qualities that make a good driver. Learn the techniques of anticipating the situations before they develop and taking proactive approach to avoid hazardous situations.

All drivers of all classes are welcome to take brushup lessons to improve their defensive driving techniques in Calgary Alberta. 

What can one learn in a defensive driving course?

Proper knowledge of rules and regualtions are as important as knowing what to do in unexpected situations. Things like how to recover from a front wheel or a rear wheel skid, how to stop safely in slippery conditions, ditch recovery, minimize the risk in unavoidable situaitons and being proactive.

Your life is precious, Check out the basic things that you’ll get to learn in this program.

  • Learning about different types of probable road collisions and crashes
  • Tips to avoid unexpected driving situations
  • Refresher on traffic rules and regulations.
  • Awareness of different factors that can affect your driving such as stress, fatigue, anxiety or grief.

Why choose iDrive Alberta?

Our commitment – to train drivers to be proactive under any situation and keep safety as their priority. Our moto is Skills For Life… We ofer brushup lessons for defensive driving training in Calgary Alberta.

  • One to one interaction with students
  • Discussion on different driving scenarios
  • Encoragement with positive reinforcement

What are you waiting for? Get a refresher and get assessment, enrol now! Contact us:

Other Courses We Offer:

Brush Up Driving LessonsNew Driver TrainingWinter Driving Lessons

If you want to know more about Getting a Drive’s License in Alberta Click here.