Fleet Training Services

Fleet Training Services

Driving is probably the most hazardous thing employees do on the job each day. Vehicle collisions are a top cause of work-related death and injury in Alberta and yet most collisions can be prevented. Employers have a legal and moral responsibility to help ensure employee driver safety. Our refresher fleet training programs for corporate fleets are designed to teach and reinforce important aspects of safe vehicle operation. iDrive Fleet Training Services encourages all companies to make safe driving an important part of their employee’s lives. Train your fleet staff or administrative staff to learn and demonstrate the benefits of driving more efficiently. iDrive Fleet Training Services can accommodate the training needs of any group, from 1 on1 driver training to classroom courses.

iDrive Fleet Training Services offers an in-class Alberta Transportation government approved, Demerit Reduction Defensive Driver Course. This is a brand-new driver safety program that was launched in 2023. iDrive Fleet Training Services also offers a Hands-on In-Vehicle Driver Improvement Program that uses commentary driving to raise driver awareness and confidence. In addition, we also offer Driver Evaluations for both pre-hire and existing staff, that provides immediate positive constructive feedback to both the driver and your organization. iDrive Fleet Training Services provides information on the most effective driving strategies to keep your drivers up to date on proactive driving techniques, raise driver awareness and help prevent collisions. Providing driver training to your staff will help your company in many ways, including:

  • Fulfills legal and moral responsibility of providing Fleet Driver Training to staff
  • Produces responsible drivers who can avoid collisions
  • Improves Productivity
  • Less vehicle related safety incidents
  • Less employee downtime and WCB costs
  • Lower vehicle insurance costs
  • Less maintenance costs on company vehicles
  • Improves employee confidence on the road

Fleet Training Programs

Demerit Reduction Defensive Driving Course

6.5 Hours Includes

A one-day (6.5 hours) classroom, government approved demerit reduction program that will give participants a better understanding of the Traffic Safety Act, defensive driving techniques and practical knowledge to be a more Proactive Defensive Driver.

Classroom material that is research based and delivered, using multi-media formats that use interactive sessions and a participant handbook.

A multiple-choice knowledge test to assess participant’s understanding of course points including; driver risk, driver impairment, basic knowledge, TSA and driver skills.

On successful completion participants will receive a certificate to get a maximum of 3 demerit points removed from your driving record. For more information please click here for our blog.

Training can be conducted at your office or any worksite of your choice.

(Call / email us for individual and corporate group rates.)

Driver Improvement Training and Assessment

3 Hours Includes

A multiple-choice knowledge test to assess participant’s basic knowledge of driving technique, rules and regulations. (20 min)

A vehicle pre-trip inspection, that includes an under the hood fluid level check and light checks. (10 min)

An in-Vehicle hands on training to identify and improve basic driving habits. Commentary driving to raise driver awareness, and strategies to equip drivers with more proactive driving techniques. (60 min)

An on-road evaluation will assess driver awareness, driver behaviour, driving skills, proactive techniques and driver habits. (30 min)

Instructor Feedback and review (10 min)

The company receives a detailed written report within five business days.

Training can be conducted at your office or any worksite of your choice.

(Call / email us for individual and corporate group rates.)

Driver Evaluation

2 Hours Includes

A multiple-choice knowledge test to assess participant’s basic knowledge of driving technique, rules and regulations. (20 min)

A vehicle pre-trip inspection, that includes an under the hood fluid level check and light checks. (10 min)

An on-road evaluation will assess driver awareness, driver behaviour, driving skills, proactive techniques and driver habits. (40 min)

Instructor Feedback and review (10 min)

The company receives a detailed written report within five business days.

Training can be conducted at your office or any worksite of your choice.

(Call / email us for individual and corporate group rates.)

* Please note: - For driver evaluation, driver improvement training and an assessment, participants will bring their personal vehicle or company vehicle. Make sure vehicle documents (driver licence, registration and insurance) are current and not expired. Vehicle must be mechanically fit to drive (all lights, speedometer, horn, wipers, seatbelts working and tires in good condition).

When To Take iDrive Fleet Training Services

New hires and young drivers need an orientation and training before they drive for work. New hires are at a higher risk for a collision, they may use a different type of vehicle or route and come across unfamiliar hazards.

All company drivers should take refresher training programs every 2 to 3 years. New rules of the road, vehicle technology, and routes can present new driving challenges. Driving skills can also decline as complacency and bad habits creep in.

iDrive Fleet Training Services also offers one hour safety talks on subjects such as Winter Driving, Driver Fatigue and Driver Attitude. For more information on these programs please contact us.