Summer Driving 2023 The iDrive Alberta Way
Vehicle Preparedness
If your vehicle has been regularly serviced according to the manufacturer’s recommendations, the vehicle should be in good condition to travel. If unsure about your vehicle’s regular maintenance, have your tires, brakes, lights and fluids checked to ensure your vehicle is roadworthy. Make sure you have a safety kit, cell phone and charger and also know where the vehicle registration and insurance are located. Lastly, keep your gas tank close to full whenever possible, especially when driving in remote areas.
Trip Planning
Make sure to plan your route before heading out, this means that even if you use a GPS system, you need to familiarize yourself with directions and maps before you go. Be sure that others know your route and anticipated arrival time. Be well rested and also check the weather and road conditions prior to departure. Decide on your final destination, how many days you’re going for and how much driving you want to do in a typical day (no more than 6 hours a day is recommended). Plan a rest stop at least every 2 hours, this will give you time to stretch, get something to eat, return calls or text messages, and change drivers or rest if you feel fatigued.
Follow The Rules of The Road
Buckle up, secure all passengers and objects. Signal all your intentions, Obey the speed limit and drive to conditions. Remember never speed to try and make up time, this is a very dangerous action, instead enjoy the drive and don’t rush through your trip. Proactive planning means to allow plenty of time to get to your destination safely. Do not text or drive distracted. Always drive sober. Both alcohol and drugs whether legal or illicit can cause impairment.
Before backing out of a parking spot in a campground, hotel or busy mall this summer, prevent backovers by walking around your vehicle to check for hazards. When using a backup camera, remember that pedestrians or other objects may be out of view but still in the path of your vehicle and that every vehicle has a blind zone area. As the size and height of a vehicle increases, so does the “blind zone” area.
Sharing The Road
Summer time means more types of road users, cyclists, scooters, motorcycles, motorhomes, trailers and pedestrians. Leave more space between your vehicle and recreational vehicles, bicycles and motorcycles. A recreational vehicle takes longer to stop than a car and a motorcycle can stop in much shorter distances. Leave at least a 4 second following distance when sharing the road with other road users. Scan all intersections for pedestrians or other road users.
Look well ahead, scan for warning signs and make sure to slow down when passing animal-crossing signs. These warnings are posted because heavy animal traffic frequents the area and remember wildlife is most active during dusk, dawn, and night. Always reduce your speed if you see animals on or near the road. The latest statistics in Alberta, show that 60% of crashes on rural highways in Alberta involved an animal.
Final Proactive Summer Driving Reminders
- Plan your trip (Take a break about every 2 hours, avoid sugary and fatty foods and drinks, instead drink water and eat high-protein snacks)
- Ensure your vehicle is roadworthy
- Always walk around your vehicle prior to your trip
- Buckle up
- Never drink and drive
- Obey the speed limit (The latest statistics in Alberta show that 1 in 4 drivers in fatal collisions involved speeding)
- Keep space (Allow more room when passing a large vehicle. It takes longer to pass a recreational vehicle than a small car)
- Look well ahead (Scan at least 20 to 30 seconds ahead on high-speed roads)
- Avoid distractions (Use your electronic devices only when your vehicle is parked in a safe place)
Summer is a very busy time for driving schools, if you want to take a full program or even practice driving with other types of traffic on highways or freeways this summer, please contact us for more information and availability.